Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our Inner Gollum

"What do you have that you did not receive?" (1 Cor. 4:7)

Everything I own was once "not mine." Such an obvious statement, why is worth saying at all?

Well, one day it will no longer be mine. As they say, "You can't take it with you!"

So what?

When I reflect on the temporal nature of life, I tend to be more generous. More generous with my time, possessions, money, and other resources. Some claim that when they are more generous, they receive more generosity. Perhaps as we adopt a sense of "flow" with those things that we usually want to keep to ourselves (I can hear it now, "My Own! My Pre-cioussss!") we will actually find that there really is a goodness that transcends our little spheres of personal reality.

We must learn to distinguish between what we will and will not be "taking with us." And we must certainly silence the "Inner Gollum"!

1 comment:

  1. A dear friend of mine use to say, "The "I" must die"... If all that I am, my time, talent, and treasure truly belong to the Lord, then our happiness and joy has nothing to do with the circumstances of life, particularly the things we have or do not have.

    Lord let us think on You and treasure You above all else, and Lord if you call on me to give it all away, let my heart be so blessed with being obedient to you, that my joy will be complete in the giving!

    Thank you Rob for this awesome blog! You have inspired my thinking and my devotion to the Lord!
