Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Moses' Identity Crisis

Most of us know the story of the "Burning Bush" in the Bible.

Upon receiving notification from the Boss that he is to go back to Egypt and confront the Pharaoh on behalf of the Israelite slaves, Moses asks a reasonable question: "Who am I?"

The exchange went something like this:

God: "Now go, I am sending you to Pharaoh. Bring my people, the children of Israel, out from Egypt."

Moses: "Who am I that I could go to Pharaoh, that I could bring the children of Israel out from Egypt?"

Notice what comes next. God does not answer Moses' question the way we might expect. He does not say, "Oh, Moses, you're the perfect man for the job! You have such great skill, not to mention years of experience! I mean just look at your resume! You're a Levite, no doubt, from the stock of Abraham! You come with such stellar recommendations that I'd be a fool not to bring you on board!"

Not! God's reply offers no boost to Moses' "self esteem" or "self-image." Let's look at what He does say:

"I will be with you..."

In Hebrew, this "I will be" is actually God's name, "I Am."

So, when Moses asks, "Who am I?" God replies, "I am with you."

Moses' focus is gently placed back on God's "I Am" presence. "Moses, I am your life."

When you ask yourself, "Who am I?" How do you answer? What identities do you affirm? Your gender? Your job title or social status? Where you're from? Your ethnicity or nationality? Your political affiliation?

Are you uncomfortable with simply having God's presence as your focus?

Reflect on this story of the "Burning Bush" (Exodus 3) and Moses' identity crisis, keeping in mind your own various conceptions of "Who I am."

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Post. I really blessed by this post. It will help to find the question who I am?
